7М07531 Standardization and certification

7М07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries(Field of education)
7M075 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) (Direction of training)
M130 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) (Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified personnel for the production industry in the field of standardization and certification, with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in professional training in the field of standardization and certification of products, services and quality management systems

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Possesses a foreign language in various areas of production activity, has skills in public speaking and argumentation

  • Demonstrates knowledge of management, communication and decision making, management functions such as planning, organization in the field of standardization and certification in production activities

  • Applies innovative technology in the field of technical regulation to confirm compliance in production activities, collects and interprets information to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations

  • Applies practical skills of organizational and management activities in the field of standardization and certification, accreditation in practical activities, clearly and unambiguously communicates information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions, how both specialists and non-specialists

  • Applies knowledge of the development and implementation of quality systems in production aimed at increasing competitiveness, applies at a professional level his knowledge, understanding and abilities to solve problems in a broader interdisciplinary context using digital technologies

  • Applies new promising methods for building certification systems and uses technical software, analyzes and diagnoses technical objects

  • Demonstrates knowledge of implementing an integrated quality management system in the food industry using knowledge, understanding and problem solving abilities at a professional level

  • Has the skills to conduct experimental research in the field of standardization and certification, quality management in enterprises, preparation of enterprise reports, food control methods and diagnostics of technical objects, observing the principles of academic integrity.

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